Sunday, September 28, 2014

Never Give Up.

10AM: I went to Eagle Creek Park for a what was supposed to be a beautiful Saturday 12 mile run. I took all of my Advocare (supplements that keep me going), strapped on my CamelBak, and started my run with my husband. I made it 4 miles. 4 whole miles before I decided that I started too late in the day, it was too hilly, and I just didn't have it. I went home, ate lunch, and proceeded to sleep the rest of the day.

5PM: That same day I took off for another try at my 12 mile run. I walked out the of door my house and set off on a familiar trail. It started great and fast.

I even saw this little gem on the trail: A reminder that even on bad run days what we are doing is pretty awesome.

It ended at 6 miles and with a feeling of pure failure. My mother and father-in-law picked me up so I didn't have to walk all the way home.

6:30 AM: I woke up without snoozing my alarm (a rare occurrence for me). I sparked up (Advocare supplements again) for the third time in less than 24 hours. I wrote all of the girls that are training for the Chicago with me (accountability, since I clearly didn't have it on my own). I set off for my third try at completing 12 miles.

I finished all 12. I didn't stop one time. And for the first time in a long time, I actually enjoyed running. It wasn't the fastest or longest I've ever run, but it was perfect. It was a perfect effort.

Third times a charm.

Never Give Up,

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